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Access Services

DreamBIG aims to make the 2025 festival accessible and inclusive for everyone.

Dream BIG BIG Family Weekend 2019

We have worked with our artists to create an access guide for all of the on-site events in our program, to help you and your family have a great DreamBIG experience.

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Access guide

Download our access guide, which includes information about: 

  • Stair-free access 
  • Preferred seating 
  • Our recommendations for shows suitable for Auslan interpretations, audio description and relaxed performances
  • Detailed guides to every on-site event in the DreamBIG program. 

If you have any questions, concerns or feedback regarding DreamBIG's accessibility, please contact the DreamBIG team at we would be happy to hear from you.  

For more information about Accessibility at Adelaide Festival Centre, please see the Centre's Access page.

An Access Guide for our families audience will be released in January 2025. 

Selecting Your Events

We know that the Festival Program is exhaustive, and it can be hard to decide the best show, workshop, or activity for the children in your class or family. The team at DreamBIG are happy to chat you through performance options, including reasonable adjustments that we can make to accommodate the needs of your class.

Please email us at, and we'll get in touch! 

Visual Stories 

Visual stories (also known as Social Stories) are learning tools for children who may need help learning ways of behaving in unfamiliar social settings. Visual stories do this by explicitly showing the reader details about a location or event, what happens at that event, and what actions and behaviours are expected from them at the event. DreamBIG has created social stories for many of our performances and installations for teachers and parents to share with children who might need help preparing for participating in the festival.  

You can see the visual stories below. 

If you would like us to collate a visual story specific to your experience at DreamBIG, we are more than happy to do so please email us at

Easy English and Plain Text programs

This year, the DreamBIG team have developed a Plain English program and an Easy English program.

The Families Plain Text Program is coming in March 2025.

Plain Text

  • Plain Text documents are read using screen readers. This PDF can be easily converted to other file types to suit your requirements.

Easy English

  • Easy English is an accessible and alternative form of communication. It has a distinct format that is simple to read.
  • It is for people who have difficulties reading and understanding English. It helps people with:
    • Low literacy;
    • Intellectual disabilities, and;
    • English as a second language.
  • The Schools Easy English Program is a word document that can be edited to suit your school community.

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